• 8 budget-friendly travel destinations
    Central America,  Mexico,  Travel Tips,  USA

    8 Amazing Budget-friendly Travel Destinations For Every Travel Style

    Traveling on a teacher’s budget (with student loans, a car note, and a mortgage to pay) can be tough, but I still manage to take a trip just about every month.  Budget-friendly travel destinations are my secret to traveling so often.  While I will save up and splurge on a pricier trip every once and a while, most of my travel is very budget friendly.   I know from my crazy, care-free hostel dorm days almost any trip can be done on a budget, but at this point in my life, I’m older and a little pickier about where I lay my head. While I still love the social atmosphere of hostels, I…

  • Central America,  Panama

    How to Budget One Week in Panamá: San Blas, el Valle de Anton and Panama City

    My graduation present to myself after completing my master’s degree was a week long trip to Panamá.  This trip was by no means a total “backpacker” trip but I also stayed within a reasonable budget. We stayed in hostels with a private room, splurged a little on food in Panama City, and visited the remote San Blas Islands. My husband and my sister tagged along to help me celebrate, but I’ve broken down our 3-person trip costs to what it cost per person. Accommodations: While we shared basic private rooms for most of the trip, if you divide up the room cost per person, it amounts to about the same…

  • Mexico

    Weekend Getaway Guide: Colonia Roma, Mexico City

    This spring, the travel bug bit me… bad.  As a teacher, spring time at work can get a little hectic. State testing, kids feeling that spring fever…  I was ready to make an escape! Looking over the calendar, Joey and I realized we both shared some time off in the form of a four-day weekend spanning from Good Friday to the Monday after Easter. In that moment I thought… Hey!  What about Mexico City? Love all the street art! Two years ago, we got a taste for this amazing city during an overnight layover en route to Nicaragua.  We had been wanting to visit for a longer stay and explore the…